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Tweety & Sparrow

About Iris Oodles

In my twenties, I moved back to South Australia leaving behind my ex-partner and arriving back home with a broken heart. I suddenly had an empty spot in the bed next to me. So what did I do? I bought myself my first Oodle called "MoMo". That boy healed my broken heart. He was there to greet me every time I arrived home, cuddled in bed with me every night and he would go here, there and everywhere with me. I want to breed those dogs. The dogs that heal broken hearts, that bring happiness to people who struggle with ill health and that are there to greet children when they arrive home from school after having a bad day. The dogs that remind you that you aren't alone, are loved unconditionally and that get you out of the house on a nice sunny day!  

I breed Groodles and Bordoodles from health tested parents that are given the best possible start in life. I carefully select my dogs to ensure I am breeding healthy puppies with good temperaments.

At Iris Oodles our dogs are part of the family and grow up and live in our family home. We are on land in the Adelaide Hills, so our dogs are allowed room to run around and the opportunity to be exposed to equipment, horses, kangaroos and cows. We feed hypoallergenic, gluten free and dairy free kibble, Lyka Pet Food and home made meals which consist of meat, veggies and rice.

I follow the Badass Breeders and Puppy Culture Programs. Please refer to "Our Program" page for more information.

The puppies come with a folder of information to assist their new homes with all aspects of owning a Groodle or Bordoodle. They also come with a great puppy pack to help them get settled into their new homes, pet insurance and a 2 year health guarantee for hereditary issues. Parent dogs are also DNA tested and Hip & Elbow Scored by a specialist Vet interstate. Both of these health tests are very important and reduce the chance of your puppy being impacted by testable genetic conditions or hip and elbow dysplasia.

I am RightPaw verified and a registered breeder through DACO as per SA guidelines. Registration number DACO215491.


The day I collected MoMo the Oodle who inspired me to start Iris Oodles

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